Ahh summer time. A new season always brings with it fresh possibilities, doesn’t it? For many businesses, this might also be the time to incorporate some team building into their agendas. Nothing brings colleagues together like a forced bonding experience! 😉

Well, luckily, Anja Lee Catering has the solution that is sure to please both employees and the employer: Cooking classes as a team building activity! Now, bear with us. We know that sometimes attending company-mandated events doesn’t exactly sound too appealing, but when there’s delicious food involved I think we can all agree, it’s a much more enjoyable experience. And yes you can also BYOB 😉

Our cooking classes start with as little as 8 people and can house all the way up to 25. So whether you’re on a small team or part of a larger group, we’re happy to host you and your colleagues. We have a wide variety of menu options to choose from including buckwheat crepe-based classes, homemade pasta and gluten-free options. If those don’t sound appealing you can always create a custom menu based on your specific dietary needs and desires.
What sets our cooking classes apart from the rest is the fun, competitive nature we bring to the table: Iron Chef Style. Though you can absolutely opt for a more traditional type cooking class, we love the fun and unique aspect of setting it up like a friendly competition.

If you’re not familiar with the competition-based cooking show, Anja explains how it all goes down:
“Participants get 60 minutes to cook a meal based on secret ingredients that we provide. We give everyone a theme that they have to follow and see what they come up with!”
Anja loves being a part of these style of events because “Even the most basic cook can come up with something because it’s a team exercise,” she notes. And even better? She’s seen such amazing meals created during these events that she often draws inspiration from them for her own recipes!
After the 60 minutes is up, Anja and a guest judge sample the food and declare a winner. But really – when everyone gets to relax, enjoy the meal while sipping on a cocktail or glass of wine, I think everyone wins.

The fun nature of this type of team building activity really “opens up conversations they’ve never had before,” Anja states. It also might bring out new sides to co-workers you might not get to see at the office! “You can get to know your team in a whole new way,” she adds.

And not to worry, if this sounds up your alley and you’re not looking to book a corporate event, any group of 8 more can participate in the Iron Chef – Anja Lee style when you book a cooking class with us.
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